Chasing Light Part 1:
Flash & Off-Camera Flash
APRIL 29, 2018
"I don't use artificial light, I'm a natural light photographer."
It's a common misconception. Really, what we mean when we say that is, "I feel more comfortable using natural light than artificial light."
Every photographer starts off a little scared of using flash. We get so used to using natural outdoor light, that when it comes time to indoor photography, we don't know what to do. What I'm going to show you in this course is that the principles of light to make magical indoor and outdoor portraits are the same.
In our time together, we are going to go over the principles of light, review how to properly use natural window lighting, and then I am going to show you how to rock both your on camera flash, as well as take that flash off-camera, use light modifiers, and make both people and details look AMAZING.
And what's even more awesome? You are going to practice, live - on real models, and a real tablescape.
Are you ready?! It's time to rock your lighting this year!