Winter Lighting & Posing
Winter Lighting & Posing
February 27, 2021
3:30-5:30 PM
Private Farm, Cazenovia, New York
Backup weather date: March 6, 2021
This workshop focuses on how to use and natural lighting and manipulate the elements of outdoor scenery to select the right locations to photograph. Then, we'll work with real couple models and their HORSE and I'll show you how to pose your clients to make them feel comfortable for a successful shoot!
We will cover:
How to choose the right outdoor locations before posing your clients within any given scene
How to use the right angles to capture your clients respective to the angle of the sunlight
How to use language & direction to communicate clearly with your clients
How to maximize any given pose
How to create natural posing and genuine emotion
**NOTE: The amount of natural lighting we cover is dependent on whether we have sun.
This workshop will be with a REAL engaged couple and their horse! However, I am styling it with the attire and flowers, so it will be great portfolio marketing material!